What's up with this dishwasher thing?
On Thu 01 Jan 2009 03:20:44p, George Shirley told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 01 Jan 2009 12:36:29p, George Shirley told us...
>>> George wrote:
>>>> SteveB wrote:
>>>>> They WILL run without being empty. But SOME PEOPLE insist (to the
>>>>> point of footstomping and sign making "dirty/clean") that the
>>>>> dishwasher MUST be full to run? That means by the time it IS run,
>>>>> I'm out of my insulated coffee cups, most dinner plates, and almost
>>>>> all the important pots.
>>>>> well mess with her makeup.
>>>>> Please explain if you know the answer.
>>>>> Steve
>>>> Waste, it takes the same amount of heated water and energy to run the
>>>> machine regardless of its contents.
>>> Depends upon the make and model of the dishwasher, ours has a control
>>> panel like unto a 747 cockpit. Do anything from rinse and hold to
>>> heavy duty pots and pans.
>>> As far as the lady of the house loading it I prohibit either she or
>>> our daughter from running the machine at all. They will nest spoons
>>> and forks together and load the damned thing so full nothing gets
>>> clean. Can't seem to break them of the habit so I load it and run and
>>> then empty it.
>> I'm with you on that, George. No one loads or runs the dishwasher but
>> me. David doesn't have a clue as to how to properly load it.
>> Sometimes I have very crownded loads, but if loaded properly everything
>> gets clean. He does, however, unload it and put everything it is
>> *proper* place.
> Therein lies the problem with DW unloading the thing. She is both
> dyslexic and ADD and has difficulties remembering where things go. She
> still trys to empty it but I don't like it when she does. I have to hunt
> down the items she put away when I need them.
David learned where 99% of things go (for each kitchen we've had). He has
also learned to leave that remaining 1% out on the counter so they don't
end up where they don't belong. The good thing is that he has a terrific
memory, so if something is accidentally put where it's not supposed to be,
all I need to do is ask where he put it.
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Thursday, 01(I)/01(I)/09(MMIX)
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Today is: New Years Day
Countdown till Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2wks 3dys 8hrs 37mins
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I admit it's offbeat, but lets not get hysterical.
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