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Cheryl[_5_] Cheryl[_5_] is offline
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Default Home ground meat

"Sheldon" > wrote in message

That'll work just fine. Slice the meat into long strips instead of
chunks. And you can save calories and cholesterol by using lean beef
(top round works well), cutting away fatty chunks and replacing some
fat by lightly coating the meat with olive oil.... the oil also helps
lube the grinding process.


Thanks. Just ground up some meat that I took out of the freezer to thaw
last night. I can't remember the cut, but it is thin sliced and I think
meant for stir fry or grilling. I like steaks cut thick so I froze it until
I was going to make something stir fried again. I cut it into long strips
and it ground up nicely. The only problem was that there was a lot of meat
still left behind the disk that wouldn't come through. It sure smells
different from ground beef that I buy in bulk and form into patties to
freeze. Better.