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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default For Newbies - The Cabal (TINC)

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:

> On Thu, 01 Jan 2009 11:42:21 -0800, Blinky the Shark >
> wrote:
>>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>> Just so no one else gets in trouble with the RFC Cabal (TINC), I
>>> thought I'd explain a little about the organization (TINO). First,
>>> what the Webster online dictionary has to say:
>>> Main Entry: 1ca·bal
>>> Pronunciation: \k?-'bäl, -'bal\
>>> Function: noun
>>> Etymology: French cabale cabala, intrigue, cabal, from Medieval Latin
>>> cabbala cabala, from Late Hebrew qabbalah, literally, received (lore)
>>> Date: 1614
>>> 1: the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united in
>>> a plot (as to overturn a government) ; also : a group engaged in such
>>> artifices and intrigues
>>> 2: club , group <a cabal of artists>
>>> synonyms see plot
>>> What you need to know is, There Is No Cabal (TINC). Whenever the Cabal
>>> (TINC) is mentioned, it is followed by the TINC disclaimer.
>>> There are groups of people who have formed friendships over the years,
>>> but non are exclusive, that I'm aware of. Please feel free to hop
>>> right in and make new friends when you come here.
>>> This welcome, of course, does not apply to trolls and troublemakers.
>>> Those folks will be dealt with harshly by the Cabal (TINC).

>>It should probably be noted here that the "[TINC]" convention is not
>>something that began in r.f.c. It goes back to the net.admin abuse
>>groups, where it was and is a reference to "The Lumber Cartel" [tinc],
>>which was and is an inside reference.

> Good to know. We should have Victor add that to the RFC FAQ.

I just did some digging, and it looks like The Lumber Cartel [tinc] was
not the first incarnation of The Cabal [tinc] (and the abbreviation TINC).


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