Cheryl wrote:
> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Debbie" > news:gjj93r$5ho$1
>> in
>>> But. but, but I was initiated into the Cabal (TINC)!
>> Yeah well I know the plot well. First a newbie is reeled in by the
>> Cabal (TINC) and then slapped with the initiation fees and monthly dues.
>> Once sucked in they can't get out ;-)
> Fees and dues? That's it? You mean they don't really require boobie
> pics?
No, but they do get you better seats at the movie screenings.
> *sulks off embarrassed*
Don't be. Flash your boobies at the shark at the door, and if they look
familiar from the photos the cabal [tinc] have on record for you, you'll
get a pass for the front two rows.
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