Texas Wine
On Thu, 01 Jan 2009 17:55:10 -0600, Janet Wilder
> wrote:
>modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
>> I like Marfa because of the Chinati Foundation.
>Did you see the lights? We did.
I have tried on three occasions to see the Marfa lights and have
failed utterly each time. A friend, who has seen them, has learned to
endure my allegations that everyone who says s/he has seen the lights
is lying. I guess he knows it's just jealousy.
Once while out in the Trans Pecos area by myself, I stopped into a
winery not far from Fort Davis. Two dogs lazed at the entrance, and a
guy inside was spieling some people from Plano about his cabernet.
When they decided to get a half case, I asked for a taste.
I'm sure he was a nice fellow. Didn't kick his dogs or cheat on his
wife. He might even have been a stand-up fellow to have on your side
in a bar fight or at a corporate meeting. He didn't smell bad. His
teeth were good, as far as I could see. I'd be willing to bet he was
generous to those less fortunate than him in many, kind ways.
But his wine was boo-bad. Like to peeled the enamel off my teeth, it
did. Brought tears to my eyes. Made me flinch.
Here's hoping the Plano couple were happy with their purchase.