Thread: Why must we...
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Wayne Boatwright[_5_] Wayne Boatwright[_5_] is offline
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Default Why must we...

....continue to discuss Peter Lucas, et al?

Yes, I know I brought up the subject <again>, but it would seem if we *all*
stop discussing this topic it will quiet down or, by some stretch of the
imagination, go away altogether.

I cannot fathom why people feel compelled to continually dissect this
situation when a total "blackout" on the topic would be more effective.

Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Thursday, 01(I)/01(I)/09(MMIX)
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Today is: New Years Day
Countdown till Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
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Cats must play with the ribbons when Mom is wrapping Christmas gifts.
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