High Plains Thumper wrote:
> Sonnova wrote:
>> I haven't been here long, could somebody please tell me what
>> this Snit is about? He seems to have taken over this NG and
>> has engendered the most violent hatred from other posters that
>> I think I have ever seen. Most disconcerting.
> Snit is an unwelcomed guest in the advocacy groups
> comp.sys.mac.advocacy and comp.os.linux.advocacy.
Correct. Everyone hates him, and with good reasons as you show below.
> He is a known pathological liar, who does his selective deep
> snippages, then spins a tirade mixture of accusations, denials
> when shown the errors of his ways.
Exactly. Look at all the evidence High Plains Thumper just THUMPED Snit
with. The ****face will not know what hit him!
> When he gets miffed, he simply goes nuts. He is an ultra
> prolific poster, to which has caused some to question whether he
> really has a job. Some have hinted that his wife does all the
> work and he all the play, 24/7.
Hinted? No, it is a fact! People say it on USENET so it must be true.
> Then, he starts into a childish nymshift into personas such as
> Rhino Plastee, who then disassociates with Snit whom he also
> supports.
Yes, I am Snit. So is everyone else. There are only six people on the
whole of Usenet and I who am Snit are the rest of the people. We know this
because High Plains Thumper just said so. That is right. He SAID SO.
What more evidence do you need? That is PROOF, man, ****ing proof!
> These tirades are called the "Snit Circus".
> One is best off not replying to him. Even when exposed, he
> continues down a path of denial, accusing his opponent of lying,
> failing to show proof, etc. even though it is right before all to
> see.
Yes! And he gets exposed so often, like the time when. No. Then there was
the time. No. Well, ****! There must be some time though because High
Plains Thumper is THUMPING! Why would he THUMP if it were not ****ing true!
> To give an idea of how he has created an entire army of enemies
> by his circus of pathological lies, see:
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.c...d15a13ee3dd7cf
> Both Apple and Linux are competitors to Microsoft. Seeing how he
> supports other known trolls whilst denigrating legitmate posters
> smacks of:
> 'Use [...] the Internet, etc. to heighten the impression that the
> enemy is desperate, demoralized, defeated, [...] associated with
> mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter
> Bunny". Just keep rubbing it in, via the [...] newsgroups, [...]
> make the complete failure of the competition's technology part of
> the mythology of the computer industry.'
> (reference PDF pages 45 & 55 on
> http://www.groklaw.net/pdf/Comes-3096.pdf - Comes vs Microsoft
> lawsuit, Microsoft Evangelism document)
Oh man! All those links to Snit's posts! All those quotes showing him to
be a liar and a bigot and a goat ****er! Man, High Plains Thumper, you
THUMPED Snit and good! This is the new age of 2009 and facts are of no
importance! What matters is what people say. **** facts, POWER TO THE
PEOPLE! That is the power of THUMPING!