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High Plains Thumper High Plains Thumper is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 4
Default What is this Snit that he should take over an entire Newsgroup?

Rhino Plastee wrote:
> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> Then, he starts into a childish nymshift into personas such
>> as Rhino Plastee, who then disassociates with Snit whom he
>> also supports.

> Yes, I am Snit.


> So is everyone else.


> There are only six people on the whole of Usenet and I who am
> Snit are the rest of the people.


> We know this because High Plains Thumper just said so. That
> is right. He SAID SO.

Lie. Proof is only a Google away, in plain view. Besides, even
if one posts the truth, Michael and his sock puppets snip and
run. Michael can run, but Michael can't hide.

> What more evidence do you need? That is PROOF, man, ****ing
> proof!

Continued Snit Circus.

>> These tirades are called the "Snit Circus".
>> One is best off not replying to him. Even when exposed, he
>> continues down a path of denial, accusing his opponent of
>> lying, failing to show proof, etc. even though it is right
>> before all to see.

> Yes! And he gets exposed so often, like the time when. No.

Make up your mind.

> Then there was the time. No. Well, ****! There must be some
> time though because High Plains Thumper is THUMPING! Why
> would he THUMP if it were not ****ing true! You go THUMPER!

Snit Circus continuum.

>> To give an idea of how he has created an entire army of
>> enemies by his circus of pathological lies, see:
>> Both Apple and Linux are competitors to Microsoft. Seeing
>> how he supports other known trolls whilst denigrating
>> legitmate posters smacks of:
>> 'Use [...] the Internet, etc. to heighten the impression
>> that the enemy is desperate, demoralized, defeated, [...]
>> associated with mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in
>> Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny". Just keep rubbing it in, via
>> the [...] newsgroups, [...] make the complete failure of the
>> competition's technology part of the mythology of the
>> computer industry.'
>> (reference PDF pages 45 & 55 on
>> - Comes vs
>> Microsoft lawsuit, Microsoft Evangelism document)

> Oh man! All those links to Snit's posts! All those quotes
> showing him to be a liar and a bigot and a goat ****er! Man,
> High Plains Thumper, you THUMPED Snit and good! This is the
> new age of 2009 and facts are of no importance! What matters
> is what people say. **** facts, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! That is
> the power of THUMPING!

This is called:

Subject: 4.1 Drivel

Posts without interesting content are simple to produce. Cascades
have a long history on usenet, usually containing wordplays round
a specific theme. The Trolls version is a cascade of drivel. two
persons working online to the same newsserver can throw a thread
between themselves and create very large numbers of posts. One
person can throw a thread between two or more sockpuppets.