Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> blake murphy > wrote:
>>>>> I can't disagree with eating unadulterated fresh crab, perhaps with drawn
>>>>> butter, but the deviled crab is especially suitable for use with canned
>>>>> crab which is not at all like fresh cooked crab. There's usually a
>>>>> reason
>>>>> for everything.
>>>> true. and steamed hardshells aren't exactly something you could serve at
>>>> a
>>>> dinner party.
>>>> your pal,
>>>> blake
>>> Depends on the dinner party. <g>
>>> Ever been to a crawfish boil for instance?
>> nope. as far as i know, crawfish not plentiful enough around here. i'd
>> like to, though.
>> your pal,
>> blake
> It was fun. I need to render the pics into tinypic so I can share them
> here! It was a birthday party. Crawfish, BBQ sausages, boiled potatoes
> and corn on the cob were the main menu items. Other items were pot luck
> brought by the invitees.
> They did steamed a bunch of hot dogs for the kids that were not
> interested in the crawfish.
> We also did a bunch of skeet shooting. <g>
> Great "redneck" party!
> The crawfish were brought in live from Louisiana by one of the party
> goers via arrangements with the host.
I actually visited a crawfish farm in LA a few years back. The rice
growers "rotate" their crops. It was really interesting. I'll look for
the pix and put one up sometime or another. I'm still way, way behind on
getting all my Europe pix in order.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life