Why the heck did I wait so long to try this?
Nancy Young wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> > Been quite a few discussions here about beer batter. Heard that it's
> > pretty good with catfish, mahi-mahi, chicken etc. But never tried it
> > till yesterday, more fool me.
> >
> > We decided to make deep fried pork in batter and DH suggested we go
> > the beer batter route for a change. Turns out it's very good with
> > pork too. The whole family agreed it was 'lekker' (yummy). I feel
> > like we've been 'missing out' - but not anymore, will try it again
> > soon. <g>
> Can't say as I ever thought to beer batter pork, but why not.
> > Anybody else got a "Why the heck did I wait so long to try something"
> > story?
> Once I took a package of chicken wings (?) from the freezer
> to thaw in the refrigerator. They were in there for a couple
> of days when I decided I would need more chicken wings.
> How to get them to thaw faster than the ones I'd taken out
> earlier? Well, everyone says thaw them in water.
> I was dumbfounded, emphasis on dumb ... they thawed out
> more in two or three hours than the ones I'd take out days
> earlier.
> Now I don't have to plan too far ahead ... what's for dinner,
> just take it out in the morning and put the package into a
> container of water. (Follow suitable safety directions and
> the larger the item, the more time it will take, I'm talking a
> package of chicken parts or a steak)
> nancy
The thermal conductivity of water is several times that of air, combined
with the large thermal mass of a sink full of water it will thaw things
a whole lot faster than in the refrigerator.