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Evelyn Evelyn is offline
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Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> "Jacquie" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> m...
>>>>>>>>I used to eat allot of the Knorr packaged soup. Oxtail was my
>>>>>>>>favorite. I could live on soup..but hubby informed me the other day
>>>>>>>>he couldn't...LOL.
>>>>>>> I could live on soup too but the other day, Angela crossed her arms
>>>>>>> and declared, "I don't want anything soupish!" This after days of
>>>>>>> my making soup for dinner and nothing but soup.
>>>>>> You could always freeze the soup and serve it another day......
>>>>> Nope. Nobody here will eat stuff from the freezer.
>>>> Julie, you don't tell them. My husband is the same way. So I take
>>>> it out of the freezer, pop it out of the plastic container, put it in a
>>>> pot to heat very slowly, and to thaw. By the time it is lunchtime,
>>>> it smells really good and he will then eat it. But if I ask him if he
>>>> wants this or that soup from the freezer, he says no.
>>> I won't eat it from the freezer either. Doesn't taste very good to me.

>> If it is losing flavor in the freezer, then there is something you are
>> not doing right. Some things actually improve in the freezer, as the
>> flavors meld together better.

> It's not the flavor. I don't like the texture of most stuff after it has
> been frozen. I don't really even like frozen vegetables. My parents eat
> them now, but growing up we only had canned or fresh.
> There is also something about leftovers I just don't like. I don't know
> what it is. It's not one particular thing. I have sometimes cooked a lot
> of stuff and used the leftovers for days.
> When I ate pancakes, I used to make tons and freeze them. Also did the
> same with muffins. I just can't eat stuff out of the freezer any more. If
> I do try to eat it, I am just put off by it and wind up throwing it out
> most of the time.
> I did cook up a ton of ground beef and froze it when I went to Costco
> before the storm hit. The only ground beef they had came in a huge
> package. I normally buy their 3 packs of 1 pound packages and we can
> usually use them up before they go bad. Occasionally I have to put one in
> the freezer where it usually stays until it has become frost bitten and I
> throw it out about a year later. I am sometimes forced to use the frozen
> meat but it's very difficult to remove from the package. I never can
> remember to take it from the freezer so it thaws and I dislike what the
> microwave does to meat when you try to thaw it that way.
> Maybe I am just spoiled or something. My step grandpa refused to eat any
> leftovers ever. My dad generally wouldn't eat them. Not that we ever had
> leftovers in our house except for occasional turkey and meatloaf. We
> generally only had meatloaf prior to a road trip and we'd have the
> leftovers cold the following day. All these years I assumed my mom made
> one meatloaf and we had the leftovers from that. But when I make a
> meatloaf at home, there are never any leftovers. I just recently learned
> that she made two of them and just stuck the 2nd one straight into the
> fridge for the next day.
> One story that does stand out in my mind was the "spaghetti red". This is
> what my family calls macaroni, beef and tomatoes. My grandma came to take
> care of us while my mom was in the hospital. She had 8 kids so was used
> to cooking huge amounts. She made a pot of this and we had it for
> breakfast, lunch and dinner the entire time my mom was gone. She (unlike
> the other grandma) didn't believe in wasting food. I got sooo sick of
> eating that I couldn't touch the stuff again for years.

I have a lot of sneaky ways to make things differently the next day.

For instance I will roast a chicken in the oven one day. Then after dinner
I will take the meat off all the bones and put it away. Save the gravy

Next day, peel a bunch of really nice fresh root vegetables and cook them in
the gravy with a little water added. Usually carrots, celery, potato,
small whole onions, and a parsnip if I have one on hand, and toss in a
handful of frozen peas for color. Then when the vegetables are all
cooked, I will add the chicken meat cut into nice bite sized chunks.
Thicken the gravy and you have a nice chicken stew that doesn't even vaguely
resemble the roaster you had the night before.

Best Regards,

Rest in a sky-like mind.
Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world