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Nicky Nicky is offline
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Posts: 615
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 20:53:00 -0500, "Evelyn" >
>For instance I will roast a chicken in the oven one day. Then after dinner
>I will take the meat off all the bones and put it away. Save the gravy
>Next day, peel a bunch of really nice fresh root vegetables and cook them in
>the gravy with a little water added. Usually carrots, celery, potato,
>small whole onions, and a parsnip if I have one on hand, and toss in a
>handful of frozen peas for color. Then when the vegetables are all
>cooked, I will add the chicken meat cut into nice bite sized chunks.
>Thicken the gravy and you have a nice chicken stew that doesn't even vaguely
>resemble the roaster you had the night before.

Yup; you just described our meals for the last 2 days, except I got a
copy of Jennifer Eloff's Splendid Low Carbing for Christmas, and made
a cream sauce for the chicken and added a pie topping : ) Lovely, and
1hr pp was 5.8. There's a small serve left over, that I'll have for
lunch. Half the stock in the fridge from the bones, too, for soup for
the kids' lunch; the rest in the freezer for another day.

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