New Year's black Eyed Peas
On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:00:02 -0500, "Evelyn" >
>To keep cheeses in the fridge you need to use an old fashioned trick from
>the days before refrigeration. If you have a cheesecloth then fine, but a
>sheet of paper towel works just as well. Wet the cheesecloth or paper
>towel with plain white vinegar and then wrap it around the cheese, THEN
>place it into a plastic bag. It will not get moldy. What is amazing is
>that it absolutely does NOT flavor the cheese with vinegar! Don't know how
>or why, but it works.
Never heard of that one, cool, I'll have to try it! I assume that's
for block cheese like cheddar, rather than for something you actually
want to keep on maturing?
T2 dx 05/04 + underactive thyroid
D&E, 100ug thyroxine
Last A1c 5.4% BMI 25