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Evelyn Evelyn is offline
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Posts: 894
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

"Jacquie" > wrote in message
>I wrap my half head of lettuce in a wet paper towel and store it in a
>baggie in the fridge..makes the lettuce really crisp Never heard that
>about cheese..I'll have to try it
> Jacquie

Hi Jacquie,

That's another great trick and it works really well. The lettuce won't get
brown and slimy if you keep it around long if you wrap it in a paper towel
before bagging it. We are only two people in the house, and little tricks
that prevent certain foods from going bad too quickly are especially needed
around here.

Best Regards,

Rest in a sky-like mind.
Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world

> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Evelyn" > wrote:
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> > "Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>> >> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> >>> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>> >>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> >>>>> "Jacquie" > wrote in message
>>>> >>>>> [ . . . ]
>>>> If it is losing flavor in the freezer, then there is something you are
>>>> not doing right. Some things actually improve in the freezer, as the
>>>> flavors meld together better.
>>> Vacuum sealer works great. Also good for cheeses in the 'fridge.

>> Since you cook soups long till everything is tender, they improve when
>> frozen. But if they contain pasta bits, they do not. The pasta gets
>> soggy. Barley is fine however. Often I will make soups minus any
>> pasta bits altogether, because I will make noodles or other pasta fresh
>> when I thaw and serve them.
>> Another good freezer tip is with a meat roast. I will slice the
>> leftover meat up, and put it directly into the gravy. You have to be
>> sure that it is all immersed before you freeze it. It will thaw and
>> serve up beautifully.... though the gravy may separate at first, as you
>> heat it, it will reconstitute itself perfectly. Since the meat is
>> immersed in the gravy before you freeze it, it doesn't lose any flavor at
>> all when frozen.
>> To keep cheeses in the fridge you need to use an old fashioned trick from
>> the days before refrigeration. If you have a cheesecloth then fine, but
>> a sheet of paper towel works just as well. Wet the cheesecloth or paper
>> towel with plain white vinegar and then wrap it around the cheese, THEN
>> place it into a plastic bag. It will not get moldy. What is amazing
>> is that it absolutely does NOT flavor the cheese with vinegar! Don't
>> know how or why, but it works.
>> --
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Evelyn
>> Rest in a sky-like mind.
>> Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
>> Breathe like the wind circling the world
