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Evelyn Evelyn is offline
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Posts: 894
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

"Nicky" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 21:00:02 -0500, "Evelyn" >
> wrote:
>>To keep cheeses in the fridge you need to use an old fashioned trick from
>>the days before refrigeration. If you have a cheesecloth then fine, but
>>sheet of paper towel works just as well. Wet the cheesecloth or paper
>>towel with plain white vinegar and then wrap it around the cheese, THEN
>>place it into a plastic bag. It will not get moldy. What is amazing is
>>that it absolutely does NOT flavor the cheese with vinegar! Don't know
>>or why, but it works.

> Never heard of that one, cool, I'll have to try it! I assume that's
> for block cheese like cheddar, rather than for something you actually
> want to keep on maturing?

I wouldn't know about that. But it is a very old trick and it works very
well. My mother died at 82, 8 years ago, and she was the one who taught me
that trick. She learned it from her grandmother. People have been
making cheese for many years, with no refrigerators, and there are lots of
tricks like that which we have for the most part forgotten.
Best Regards,

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Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world