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Nicky Nicky is offline
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Posts: 615
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 08:18:18 -0500, "Evelyn" >

>I would sooner DIE than use frozen potatoes or prepare a casserole with a
>can of mushroom soup.

I am SO glad to hear you say that, Evelyn - you've restored (some) of
my faith in American cuisine : )

>Allan Watts, the
>famous Zen master said that if you cook a chicken badly, that chicken has
>died in vain!

True. I've actually started to eat rose veal again, because the UK has
stopped the cage process for making veal, and instead let the calves
suckle and live outside with the mothers for about 6 months. This
means they actually get something of a life - and the meat is
delicious. I'd rather they were raised for meat, than shot at birth.

Like you, I prepare pretty well everything from scratch, and try to
keep my food miles as low as practical. Dunno if it makes us look
younger, but it sure improves our meals : )

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