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PeterL[_7_] PeterL[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 542
Default Tonight's musgovians

koko > wrote in

> Heated up some leftover rib roast in a gravy made with onions and pan
> drippings. Served that with some leftover yellow gold potatoes, greens
> and black eyed peas.
> Rest of greens and peas are in the freezer waiting for another cold
> rainy day.

Looks good!!

It must have been a cold rainy day all over the world last night, and
musgovian delight was on the menu!!

Admittedly, the steak wasn't musgovian, but the veges/ham were.

Peter Lucas

Life is a walk of death. Each day we walk hand in hand with death, and
nothing can guarantee our living one more day.
Treat every breath as the last, every heart beat, every moonrise, and
every smile.
For who can say they won't be... Ride the Wind's, and where ever they
take you, make it better, that is the way of the warrior.