ANNOUNCE - Cook-In, Southern Minnesota
On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 19:29:15 -0800 (PST), Lynn from Fargo
> wrote:
>Me! Me! I wanna come! Have no clue how I'll get there - don't drive
>anymore. Maybe my daughter and her fiance . . . they can't cook fer
>beans but they eat a lot! I always bring too much food anyway!
YAY! The food you bring too much of is always EXCELLENT! Plus,
you're a lot of fun!
Looked it up, and the cook-in will be Friday, June 26th through
Sunday, June 28th.
Folks are welcome to come just Saturday, or for the whole darned
thing, if so desired.
If we've got Lynn, we've got ourselves a cook-in!
Damsel and Crash
Change JamesBond to his agent number to reply.