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ravenlynne[_4_] ravenlynne[_4_] is offline
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

Kathleen wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 02 Jan 2009 06:27:47p, Becca told us...

>>> Desk calendars like that one are hard to find. My 2008 calender is
>>> exactly like this one, but I ordered it from the company, myself (I
>>> put pictures of beaches on it). It was $30. I was pleased to find
>>> the animal shelter calendar for $9, even though the calendar does not
>>> include cats. They do include two horses.
>>> Oh, on the month of February, there is a photo of a dog, and it says
>>> "Jeb, who is scheduled to be euthanized." Kinda takes the joy out of
>>> looking at the photos, if you know what I mean.
>>> Becca

>> Yes, Becca, I do know what you mean. For about a month or so there
>> has been a commercial on TV for the humane society with many live
>> pictures of dogs and cats and truly heart rending musical background.
>> I can barely stand to watch it. We really can't take on any more
>> animals outselves, with 5 cats, and we honestly can't afford to
>> contribute much. However, our wills leave everything to an
>> organization of no-kill shelters here in Phoenix.

> I went with my daughter to orientation - she begins vet tech training
> Monday. The DVM who heads the program had each of the new students
> introduce themselves and say a little about what brought them there and
> what they hoped to accomplish. There were a lot of, "I've always loved
> animals" (duh!) and warm and fuzzy goals, with only a few (including DD)
> who had a specific focus in mind, and a clear plan for getting there.
> The vet gave them a very frank assessment of Missouri laws (or rather
> the lack thereof) regarding animal abuse and neglect. We live in a
> puppy mill state. Warned them that they would be seeing things on a
> daily basis that would break their hearts, and that the burn-out rate
> was high.
> I worry for my soft-hearted daughter, but I also know that she is
> stronger and tougher than I ever would have given her credit for.
> Several weeks back she was out on her horse with Scully, her BC, and
> Yak, the stable dog, miles from anywhere, alone. Yak flushed a deer,
> ran it down. It crashed into my daughter's horse, fell and Yak was on
> it in a flash and mangled both of its hind legs.
> It was screaming, there was no help and no hope, so she walked up on it
> from behind, put her boot on its head to hold it still and put it down
> with the knife her dad gave her for her 18th birthday. She didn't cry
> until she got home.

Awww..that's so sad...:-(