Well, I never!
Miche wrote:
> In article >,
> Kathleen > wrote:
>> Lass Chance_2 wrote:
>>> I had this friend who used to take a bath by taking off her clothes,
>>> then getting in to the EMPTY bath tub...THEN turning on the water. We
>>> were room mates and often in the bathroom at the same time. When I saw
>>> her do this, I said, "ARE YOU MAD? Everybody KNOWS you put the water
>>> in first!"
>>> She looked up at me, amazed. "Really?" "This is how my mother used to
>>> bathe all of us...and I never thought of doing it the other way."
>>> I pointed out the advantage of NOT having to set your bare butt on the
>>> COLD tub surface and she lit up like it was the greatest discovery in
>>> the world.
>> Ooh, and not only that, you add the hot water first, then add some cold
>> as necessary so the faucet isn't hot so the babies in the bath water
>> can't burn themselves on the plumbing...
> When my daughter was tiny we were taught to run the cold water first so
> that if the baby encountered the water before the bath was ready, they
> wouldn't get burned.
> Miche
I fill the bath then put the babies in.