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Ophelia[_1_] Ophelia[_1_] is offline
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Default Your rfc New Year's Resolution...

ravenlynne wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> ravenlynne wrote:
>>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> ravenlynne > wrote:
>>>>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>>>>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you have one...and if so, what is it...???
>>>>>> Same one I make every year: I'm going to go on a seafood diet.
>>>>>> If I see food, I eat it. ;-)
>>>>> me too, but I want to work on portion control. I lost 40 lbs
>>>>> during pregnancy/since having the twins and I want to keep it
>>>>> off. I'm down to pre-marriage weight.
>>>> Time for a new picture on the mugshots page! (But mostly I want to
>>>> see the twins. My little baby turned 23.)
>>> Here's a few shots...and yes, I need a new pic of me on the mugshots
>>> page. the difference between 180 and 140 lbs is major for me.
>>> Here's my baby girl Skye Alexandra:
>>> Here's my baby boy Ian James:

>> They are SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very lucky, but I don't
>> envy all the hard work

> Thank you! They're not so tough!

Should I ask you again in around 18 months?))