Why the heck did I wait so long to try this?
On Sat, 03 Jan 2009 22:16:06 -0800, Lin wrote:
> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> Okay, we have now identified the sound that I make when I read one of
>> your posts, Bob. It's a blood-curdling scream, followed by
>> gust-busting laughter.
> Welcome to MY world! Jeeze ... never a dull moment with that man.
> Sometimes I just cringe in anticipation of his next, er, commentary. But
> mostly, I laugh.
> --Lin (still giggling over Baby Jesus crying)
it's said that 'jesus wept' is the shortest verse in the king james bible
(john 11:35). to my mind, it's also the most applicable to many
your pal,