Clam Chowder Recipes?
Janet wrote:
> I like the *real* New England chowders. I hate the stuff with the
> wallpaper paste consistency that they serve in restaurants in other
> places. The worst I had was in a place called Moe's on the Oregon coast.
> This was supposed to be the greatest chowder, according to west coasties,
> I'd met. It was a bowl of white library paste with a couple of clams and
> potato chunks thrown in.
> It's "Chowdah" folks, not porridge.
I happen to like Mo's chowder (and I posted the Mo's recipe upthread). I'd
feel cheated if I got served thin clam chowder in a restaurant; I thought
the thin stuff was only served to the elderly and the effete.
That being said, I recognize that people's tastes vary across a huge
continuum, and there is no one true clam chowder. If you like a bowl of
watered-down skim milk with clams, then seek it out and eat all you like.