Thread: WSM order is in
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Thomas Cormen
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Default WSM order is in

bbq > writes:

> > I've been reading the WSM bullet forum. I think the first thing I'd
> > like to do is drill that hole for the thermometer.

> I purchased a Deep fryer thermometer with a 2" dial and a clip.
> Hoping the clip will help keep it stable putting the stem in a vent
> hole on the cover. The stem is 12 inches, so this should be long
> enough to get near top grate level for temperature readings. If it
> doesn't work well, than I will be drilling a hole to install a
> thermometer.
> > One thing I noticed. The water pan is awfully close to the fire. I
> > hope the pan is made tough enough to handle the heat.

> I'm sure it is. I have not read/heard of complaints. Some do not use
> the pan at all. I will be filling the pan with sand and try out that
> method.

I drilled a hole in the lid but near the base, and I put in a BGE
thermometer that I got from the local BGE dealer for something like
$10. Works fine. To keep it in place, I've got a circular collar
with a set screw on the inside of the lid and a piece of felt to
stabilize the thermometer on the outside. The probe goes into the WSM

I fill the pan with sand. Works for me. I want a heat shield between
the fire and meat. I know that many on this group say to toss the
pan, but I like having it, and sand is definitely better than water in
the pan.


Tom Cormen Voice: (603) 646-2417
Associate Professor Fax: (603) 646-1672
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