Food Magazines
Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> On Jan 4, 3:34 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> > Someone sent me a subscription to "Cuisine." There are no ads! And the
> > photos are food porn at its best. Also, the recipes look pretty good.
> I gave up Bon Appetit (will read it monthly at the library). Kept
> Gourmet (am addicted to Jane and Michael Stern). Am deciding between
> subscribing to Cook's Illustrated and Cooking Light. At the library I
> keep copying recipes out of Cooking Light and making notes from
> product reviews and techniques and tips in Cook's Illustrated.
> Lynn in Fargo
> 200 steps to the Library from my back door.
I like Cooking Light, too. It has a lot of recipe that I clipe and
paste into my recipes journals (aka those 'composition books' school
kids use). With CI, I prefer to keep the magazines intact and collect
those. But, I bet at some in the future years from now, I'll probably
discard those after I reread them & clip the recipes I want to keep.
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