Food Magazines
Lynn wrote on Mon, 5 Jan 2009 08:45:38 -0800 (PST):
> On Jan 4, 3:34 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
>> Someone sent me a subscription to "Cuisine." There are no
>> ads! And the photos are food porn at its best. Also, the
>> recipes look pretty good.
> I gave up Bon Appetit (will read it monthly at the library).
> Kept Gourmet (am addicted to Jane and Michael Stern). Am
> deciding between subscribing to Cook's Illustrated and Cooking
> Light. At the library I keep copying recipes out of Cooking
> Light and making notes from product reviews and techniques and
> tips in Cook's Illustrated. Lynn in Fargo
> 200 steps to the Library from my back door.
I'm afraid I read Bon Appetit and Gourmet in the library. The recipes
that I want can be xeroxed or found on the 'Net. I find the
concentration on women's issues in Cooking Light to be uninteresting;
tho' it would be worthwhile reading for the intended audience.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: