Thread: Gays....
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PeterL[_10_] PeterL[_10_] is offline
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Posts: 22
Default Gays....

Michelle Steiner wrote:
> In article
> >,
> PeterL > wrote:
> > The only good fag is a DEAD fag. Period.

> But you're too gutless to do it yourself, pussy.

Yep it is too gutless

> It's now time for healing, and for fixing the damage the GOP did to America.

You seriously don't believe this latest prez-elect is going to fix
anything, do you?
The GOP may have stepped things up a notch or ten, but time will prove
how wrong people were about Obama and Co. I predict that after his one
or two terms, the average person will finally be fully disillusioned
with the existing remnants of the system in place. Obama was very
carefully picked as the ideal candidate to placate the majority of
people disillusioned with the Bush govt. 'World events' will make it
appear that the Obama govt was powerless to prevent the new nightmare
(s), whilst all along his govt was the main cause. You just watch what
happens, but I do wish I was wrong. I wasnt wrong back in 2000, in
fact it freaks me out just how right I was.