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Dave Smith[_5_] Dave Smith[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 477
Default Leftover Lamb Shanks.... Any ideas??

Lynn from Fargo wrote:

> My MIL used to braise Lamb Shanks with celery and onions and a little
> curry. Then she added fluffy baking powder dumplins (the Bisquick
> package recipe with some yellow raisins stirred into the dough. It
> was to die for. I can't get good lamb shanks.

It's an odd thing about lamb shanks around here. Lamb used to be hard to
come by and we used to have to go to one particular Scottish butcher
shop to buy it, and it was very expensive. Then the local grocery stores
stores started carrying it all the time. Sometimes there are no lamb
shanks at all. Sometimes there are shanks, but they are expensive. Once
in a while I come across them at a very attractive price and whenever I
find them I stock up on them.