Price of lemons/limes.
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 05 Jan 2009 05:00:18p, Dan Abel told us...
>> In article 0>,
>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>> On Mon 05 Jan 2009 02:07:52p, Kate Connally told us...
>>>> If only! Here in Pittsburgh limes have been .$89 each lately.
>>>> Lemons a little less - $.69 each
>>> Makes me glad I can walk out to the back yard and pick them off the
> tree.
>> At least until you get your electric bill, when you find out that the
>> temperatures that make your citrus happy, don't work for your household!
> Actually, Dan, our overall combined costs of heating and cooling is less
> here in AZ than it was in OH. It was a surprise to us after the first year
> and we averaged the costs.
Utilities are cheap here in LA, our highest electricity bill was $175.
The house is 2000 sq ft.