Thread: Safe to eat?
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Safe to eat?

On Jan 6, 8:35*am, Dave Smith >
> Sky wrote:
> > Just open and do several "tests". *First, do the "sniff test" and if it
> > passes, the continued to the "sample test taste". *If it passes that
> > sencond test for taste, then gopherit! *Third test is wait & see if wise
> > to continue consumption.

> > Sky, who assumes no liability for mentioning above 'tests'! <G>

> I once got a dose of food poisoning from a meal I found in the
> restaurant in the store where I worked. I never smelled anything odd,
> and everything tasted fine.... as good as I could have expected from
> that greasy spoon. *That evening I was so sick I thought i was going to
> die. After I puked up all the food in my system I continued to retch for
> another 5 hours. *You have to try that some time to understand how
> horrible and experience it is. I thought my guts were turning inside out.
> If there is a chance of catching anything like that again I pitch the food.

Your food poisoning likely did not come from old cheese or sausage of
the summer-sausage type. Most restaurant food poisoning comes from
eggs or products made with eggs that sit out too long, or fresh meat
(especially chicken) gone bad or not cooked properly.
