>From: "StocksRus®"
>I can't get the "I love the South" to play Damn!! I sure did like the
>"Southern B'Q" one though.
You can play it in both "low-fi" or "hi-fi"
Low-Fi is faster with dial up
You can also download the MP3
so there are 3 ways to play it.
Sometimes if net traffic is busy you may
have better luck sometimes over others.
The Soundclick songs can be just played without downloading or downloaded as
MP3s for burning to CD at home.
The LeoDean.com songs have to be downloaded but can also be burned onto CD as
MP3 for free.
For those using WebTV ...I don't know what to say except ...Call DELL and spend
$600. ...there's a lot better stuff on the internet than there is on cable TV
but you need a computer to really enjoy it.
I didn't know MP3s were not WebTV compatible - learn something new everyday.
Sorry bout that.
You can order copies of the new 14 song Leo Dean "Cafe Mojo" CD ...they're only
$15. plus $5.S/H
so a mere $20. will get one to you door.
If you're interested, email me direct at
attn: Cap'n Ron
Thanks again!!!! Glad y'all like our twangafication and keep them embers
smokin'!!!! - Cap'n Ron