"James Silverton" > wrote in message
> Hello All!
> I got caught by one of those damned mobile speed cameras. I could have
> sworn the limit was 45, which is what I was doing, but I checked and there
> is a new sign near the fire station saying 35! I think I missed it
> because I was busy reading the
> dumb messages the firemen display; this time a warning not to leave
> cooking unattended. How about crock pots? It cost me $40 but no points
> or reporting to my insurance company.
Since when is speeding a non moving violation without points or reporting to
insurance? It's a setup. You got screwed. Happened to me too. Just pay
the fine and forget about it. That's how a great many municipalities are
bringing in extra cash. I got popped for doing 45 in a 25 - 150 feet from a
stop sign which I stopped for. They moved the speed limit sign a hundred
yards down the road.