Paul M. Cook wrote:
> Since when is speeding a non moving violation without points or reporting to
> insurance? It's a setup. You got screwed. Happened to me too. Just pay
> the fine and forget about it. That's how a great many municipalities are
> bringing in extra cash. I got popped for doing 45 in a 25 - 150 feet from a
> stop sign which I stopped for. They moved the speed limit sign a hundred
> yards down the road.
> Paul
There is a cop in Arkadelphia, AR and we were stopped for speeding. We
had two choices; pay an $80 traffic ticket or a citation for $150. If
we paid the ticket, it would be reported to the state (and to the
insurance company). If we paid the citation, nobody would know. We paid
the citation.
We go to a friend's BBQ in Hot Springs every year, and this cop is
always there in the same spot. The speed limit drops from 70 to 55 and
we were too busy gabbing to notice. It was our fault 100%. Safety
first, they say.