Thread: Damnit!
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Dave Smith[_5_] Dave Smith[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 477
Default Damnit!

blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 02:23:04 GMT, James Silverton wrote:
>> MG wrote on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 00:51:43 GMT:
>>> no...if you don't speed, you don't get caught...easy

>> How bloody profound! Many speed limits are assigned on a basis of the
>> squeaky wheel !

> my sympathies are with the residents in many cases. if you live on an
> 'alternate' rush hour route, people can come zipping through pretty damn
> fast. the proliferation of speed bumps is annoying, though.

I live on a country road that is rarely very busy, but there are a lot
of cars that are travelling way past what is a reasonably safe rate of
speed for the conditions. There lightly rolling hills, no shoulders,
blind intersections and driveways, farm tractors and equipment,
cyclists, walkers and wildlife. When we first moved here the speed
limit was 70 kph, and there was a horrible accident rate. There were
five crashes in front of our house or within a few hundred feet of our
property withing the first two years we lived here. I never saw any
speed enforcement. The town dropped the speed limit down to 60 kph. It
didn't slow people down, and there was still no enforcement. Then the
they dropped the limit to 50 kph. I still don't see any speed
enforcement, but most people have slowed down. There are not as many
accidents, and it is a lot quieter, since slower moving cars don;t make
as much noise.

The town has put in more stop signs at the intersections, which are a
mile apart. That seems to have helped. They tended to open up a little
more when it was a long, uninterrupted stretch. The town also installed
streetlights, and for some reason that seemed to help slow people down too.