Thread: Safe to eat?
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Safe to eat?

On Jan 7, 10:12*am, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
> >> If there is a chance of catching anything like that again I pitch the food.

> > Your food poisoning likely did not come from old cheese or sausage of
> > the summer-sausage type. *Most restaurant food poisoning comes from
> > eggs or products made with eggs that sit out too long, or fresh meat
> > (especially chicken) gone bad or not cooked properly.

> My food poisoning was from a chili dog. I don't think there was any egg
> in it. All I can say is once bitten a thousand times shy. I am not
> talking about a mild case of puking and the trots. *This was a case of
> puking my guts out and spending 5 hours hunched over a toilet retching.
> * that was 40 years ago and I still cringe when I think about how
> horrible it was. I don't ever want to be that sick again.

Probably from old meat, then, or stuff that sat out too long. I can
get mild FP from ground beef when nobody else eating the same thing
gets it. Too sensitive to meat, I think.

I had a friend whose husband was sick for over a year with salmonella-
based FP from a 4th of July picnic. I don't know if he ever totally
