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Posted to,alt.ozdebate,
Paul Struber Paul Struber is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 9
Default Ping Ruth Grealy

Hi Ruth,

Please tell us why you allow Peter Lucas to spend so much money on
wine, considering he is a welfare cheat and you work so hard ringing
up debt absconders.

It must be exhausting getting up early and traveling across by ferry
and then driving all that way to work.

One thing you don't need is a welfare cheating husband who stays at
home drinking himself silly, and who hunts for male sexual partners at
toilet blocks.

Surely you must be sick of his alcoholic rantings, delusions of
grandeur and general bullshitting.

How do you put up with him Ruth?....Please tell us.
e-mail me.

Your friend Paul
(no elaborate sig)