"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> BTW, all the traffic lights I've seen here have those 'Walk/Don't walk'
>> signs on them for pedestrians. Pity a lot of pedestrians think they're
>> just there 'for show' because they take absolutely no notice of them.
>> I've lost count the number of times I've had to slam on my brakes
>> because a pedestrian was jaywalking (or 'jayrunning') - they suddenly
>> run across the road right in front of me... Even seen them do it on the
>> major highways where no pedestrians are supposed to be allowed in the
>> first place - and they wonder why they get maimed and/or killed. Sigh.
> We have a bigger problem with bicyclists. They seem not to realize that
> stop signs and stop lights apply to them too, and the cycling clubs often
> come out in groups of 10-12 and ride and 3 abreast. They refuse to move
> over for cars, and when they come to an intersection the whole herd goes
> through.
See, there you go again. Me, I hate SUVs.