TV or not TV. That is the question.
George Shirley wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Harry Buskin wrote:
>>> I don't know how to make this any easier.
>>> 1. I have satellite. I will stay with satellite.
>>> 2. My local channels are provided with my sat. subscription.
>>> 3. I am NOT concerned with the technical details of
>>> the digital transition.
>>> 4. I want to know which (DirectTV or DishNetwork) is
>>> better in terms of food programming.
>> They both carry pretty much the same. See my previous post with their
>> web sites. They have their programming on their web sites.
>> Dish, IMO, has better technology and better support.
> We just switched to Dish yesterday, from DirecTV, and I have to agree
> with Janet's answer. I am very impressed with Dish and we had DirecTV
> for eleven years. Getting better, stronger, signal from the satellite.
> The picture is very much more clear and defined than the one from
> DirecTV. So much so it amazed us because we had thought we were getting
> a good picture before.
> No local channels for us because the local stations are disputing with
> the satellite providers over cost. I bought an antenna that attaches to
> the dish and pipes the local channels through the satellite receiver and
> that puts them on the guide and makes it easier to control.
You can get "distant networks" on Dish. There is a channel with the info.