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Evelyn Evelyn is offline
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Posts: 894
Default New Year's black Eyed Peas

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Evelyn wrote:
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Evelyn" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> I don't doubt it is decent edible stuff........ but when I make soup I
>>>>> start with fresh live veggies in the produce department and from the
>>>>> meat department. My soup is made from tomatoes and celery and
>>>>> carrots and onions and chickens or ham, or beef etc. I buy the real
>>>>> stuff and start with that.
>>>> I always buy fresh vegetables. And organic ones. I will sometimes use
>>>> the "Just _____" freeze dried stuff if I am in a real hurry. But if I
>>>> use the food processor, I can chop or slice everything quickly. I do
>>>> sometimes use vegetable juice. Last time I used Roma tomatoes simply
>>>> because I had them. When I make soup is generally for one of two
>>>> reasons. Either somebody is sick, or I have some vegetables I want to
>>>> get rid of.
>>>>> When you buy those canned broths of any kind, you are paying extra for
>>>>> someone else to cut up the meat or the veggies. I wash every
>>>>> vegetable carefully of every dead bug and speck of dirt, and trim the
>>>>> fat off the chicken, and I know how fresh it is, and what it looks
>>>>> like and smells like. In the veggies, I don't use the parts that are
>>>>> bruised, or have dirt on them, or seem not fresh. Paid employees
>>>>> mass processing food would never fuss like I do.
>>>> True, but there is no way I'm going to boil down a dead animal to get
>>>> broth.
>>>>> When they process food in a plant, I doubt highly that they have the
>>>>> same standards I do, no matter how many organic and non allergenic
>>>>> lables they put on it. I know that when I buy cheap chickens say at
>>>>> Wal mart, they don't smell as good or taste as good. Instead I buy
>>>>> the Bell and Evans natural chickens and they are so fresh and are
>>>>> processed in a quality way. They smell and taste completely different.
>>>>> There is no way that any manufacturer would do that. They couldn't
>>>>> afford to sell it to the public, or they would have to charge a
>>>>> fortune for it. Then too, it loses something in being canned. It
>>>>> just isn't as nice or as fresh.
>>>> I don't think we can get Bell and Evans chickens. I have heard of the
>>>> brand and supposedly they make some gluten free nuggets, but I think
>>>> they contain egg. My mom told me only to buy "grown in WA" chickens
>>>> and to top it off, I buy only organic, free range.
>>>>> So when I make soup the way I do, all from scratch, all natural, it
>>>>> loses very little flavor or quality in the freezer.
>>>>> But for a short cut, it is certainly fair to use whatever stuff you
>>>>> can. If I was in a hurry I would probably do the same thing, and use
>>>>> canned broth. But fortunately I am retired and I can take all
>>>>> afternoon to make a pot of soup to freeze for our lunches. I use
>>>>> short cuts too from time to time. It depends on how much time I have
>>>>> to expend on cooking.
>>>> Unfortunately this year with Angela taking dance classes 4 days of the
>>>> week, I have to have quick meals. That means using the crockpot twice
>>>> a week to have the food ready when we get home, and once or twice
>>>> getting the meal ready quickly before class. Of course I am home and
>>>> could conceivably take time to make a meal, but usually it isn't going
>>>> to be soup since it needs to be something that is also eaten quickly.
>>>> We often dine out on the day we have to go out of town to class. And
>>>> on the remaining weekday we also usually dine out since I have to use
>>>> that day for scheduling all appointments and we are usually not home.
>>>>> Another trick I use, is when I cook vegetables for dinner, I will save
>>>>> the cooking water and freeze it. Then when I make soup I add that
>>>>> frozen chunk to the pot instead of plain water. That way I get extra
>>>>> flavor into the soup, and it is all from fresh vegetables. It really
>>>>> does make a difference.
>>>> I don't usually put any water in my soup.
>>> Yes, but the broth manufacturer had to boil that "dead animal" in
>>> something, and it is usually in water. As long as we (hubby and I)
>>> eat meat, I want to be the one doing that step myself. But like I
>>> said, when you are busy raising a child and running here and there, all
>>> is fair. Conveniences of any kind are welcome when time is short.

>> I was a single mom raising 3 children, working full-time and commuting
>> over an hour each way as well as going to college part-time for my
>> bachelors degree. I cooked mostly on the weekends. I used a pressure
>> cooker for soups and stews, slow-cooker for other dishes.
>> I bought whole frying chickens on sale and cut them up myself, saving the
>> necks and backs for soup. I bought big chuck roasts when they were on
>> sale and cut them into stewing meat, fillet steaks and ground my own
>> beef. The suet got stuffed into pine cones by the chiuldren for the birds
>> in winter. If the chuck roast had bones, they were used for the broth
>> base of hearty bean and barley soups.
>> My children never ate spaghetti sauce from a jar or soup from a can. I
>> baked cookies as Christmas presents for their teachers (I didn't have any
>> extra money for store-purchased gifts) while I was studying for my final
>> exams.
>> I also changed the oil in my own car, mowed my own lawn, grew my own
>> vegetables and raised three pretty great children.
>> I'm not suggesting every parent should be like I was, but someone without
>> a job who can't manage to fix nutritious meals for a child with food
>> problems gets no sympathy from me. Sorry.

> WTF? You are saying I can't fix nutritious meals for my child? And I've
> also been diagnosed with depression and a blood clot on these newsgroups?
> Jeez!
> *poof*

Julie, please don't get angry, but consider what I am going to say, as it is
really and truly meant in the spirit of kindness for you.

Every time someone mentions any food, you have a negative comment. You use
the word "disgusting" in relation to a great many foods we talk about here
extremely often. That is often quite a turnoff to read, especially when we
are talking about food.

People have commented that you seemed depressed. This was never meant in a
mean way at all. It is meant in the way of concern for you. You are the
perceiver of ill will, but there is no ill will put forth from others, you
are imbueing it with ill will. So getting angry at that, is an
inappropriate response.

You seem to feel it is necessary that you tell everyone you can't eat this,
and that is "disgusting," and how Angela won't eat it either, no matter what
foods we talk about. Any suggestion people make to you in the spirit of
kindness and wishing to help, you rebuff. You never say, "thanks for the
suggestion, perhaps one day I will consider it" but will go into long
tirades about how awful, how distasteful, how disgusting, this or that
food...... or even simple storage methods or even cooking methods are. We
here, are then placed in the position of being constantly rebuffed by you!

You refer to making a nice soup with healthy fresh ingredients as "touching
a dead animal" when we are a newsgroup made up of diabetics, who really MUST
eat more protein than carbohydrates. Does this not seem ever so slightly
inconsiderate to you?

I say this in all kindness, that you might want to think about just not
saying anything if you can't say something positive. My mom used to tell me
that, and it was good advice. I have to do that all the time on other
newsgroups I go to, to keep the peace. I listen to political opinions I
think are sheer idiocy, and assholes who use filthy language, and people who
just have a mean streak. That is the nature of newsgroups.

I know you have a lot of challenges in life, and you have suffered illness
from your diabetes, and many peoples hearts, including mine, go out to you
for it. People offer suggestions to you all the time in the spirit of
kindness, wanting to help you. But you are just so negative about anything
anyone has to say. Can it be we are all idiots? Or can it be that you
have a negative reaction to anyones advice? Or is it both?

I really don't know what it is. I know you are a nice person, and I know
you like to write. I always read your posts, but they are definitely
taking a more negative trend lately. Mentioning it to you is not meant in
anything but kindness. I genuinely hope you will think about what I say
here, and consider that there are some issues that you may need to address.
You can indeed be depressed and not know it. You can indeed be negative
sounding, when you don't mean to be. I have been there and done that
myself. I tell you this as a friend who wishes you only good in your life.


Best Regards,

Rest in a sky-like mind.
Sit like a mountain floating on the earth.
Breathe like the wind circling the world