Thread: REC - Meatloaf
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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default REC - Meatloaf

In article >,
(Lass Chance_2) wrote:
> So....I used various of my Asian sauces, Hoy Sin, a little Oyster
> sauce....It came out wonderful! I discovered my Asian meatload by
> accident, but it's my preferred method now.

That might be a little more information than we need. Maybe a lot more.

> Also, I use half ground beef and half ground turkey to cut down a bit
> on the cholesterol. You'd never know it---(works well wirth chili,
> too)

> Lass

Lass, have you checked the fat content of the ground turkey? It may not
be as lean as you think it is.

Re the absence of tomato anything, tomato powder is handy to keep around
for just such an occasion. I buy it at my food co-op. It is not cheap
but invaluable when I want just a little bit of tomato flavor involved
in a dish.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
December 27, 2008, 7:30 a.m.: "I have fixed my roof,
I have mended my fences; now let the winter winds blow."