New UK WSM owner requests help...with meat.
In message > on Mon, 1
Mar 2004, David > wrote
>Can anyone advise me on where they get their meat. There is such a
>difference in price and type. I am after whole "Pork Butts", whole
>briskets and ribs. Tesco sells shrink wrap ribs, pork shoulder joints
>and rolled briskets, but are these the meats I should be buying.
>Perhaps you go to your favourite butcher. If so, what do you actually
>ask for?
>Any help gratefully received.
I get all my meat from a local farm shop and he will cut anything as
requested and I know the meat to be good.
As far as cuts are concerned you might find following helpful:
although even in UK we name things differently - pork shoulder or hand
and spring for example.
Best to find a local source and then read the various FAQ around and get
exactly what you want.
Colin Brook - Winchester (UK)
Fax:+44(0)8701641293 Mobile:07976258703