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Wedgwood - Waterford in trouble
"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> "Edwin Pawlowski" wrote:
>> LONDON - Waterford Wedgwood PLC, the maker of classic china
>> and crystal, filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday after attempts
>> to restructure the struggling business or find a buyer failed.
> People don't buy those products anymore, not since the advent of fast
> food... for years now folks have been conditioned to thinking fine
> dining acootiements are made of styrofoam, and the closest thing to
> fine crystal is saran wrap.
> I just spent the last few days researching which handheld showerhead
> to buy, today they're all plastic, thin crappy plastic. I had a
> Teledyne Waterpic showerhead for some 20 years and finally it cracked
> and sprung a leak I couldn't repair even with Gorilla Glue. So
> naturally I ordered a new one... well, the plastic is now so thin it
> weighs no more than an egg shell, and the fittings are thin crappy
> plastic too (the fittings on the old one are solid brass with real
> chrome plating). I can buy a solid brass showerhead but not a hand-
> held type, those are all made entirely of crappy thin plastic. And
> when I phoned the various manufacturers their customer service
> personel become all huffy when I voiced my displeasure about how their
> products are now plastic.. in fact they argued with me that their
> products are "chrome"... they are not chrome, they are made of plastic
> and coated with a plastic film that looks like chrome. Anyway I ended
> up ordering this, in hopes it can be installed and not leak like the
> Waterpic:
> But now getting back to Waterford... I have (had) one of their crystal
> picture frames... the glass part is fine but the easel insert that
> holds the picure in and props up the whole deal after some 20 years
> finally gave way... remember those black shoelaces I got from the
> dollar store, my attempt to repair the frame backing. Well I called
> Waterford to find out how I could buy a new insert (it's just a
> cardboard thingie with swivel clips that hold it to the glass and the
> hinged support), I figured how much could it cost, wrong thinking,
> it's not available at any price... the anwser I got from Waterford's
> customer service is that essentially I'd have to toss the entire thing
> and buy new... and she was so surly, not at all helpful or apologetic,
> in fact she actually told me that I used it for twenty years, wasn't
> that enough? duh. I will never again buy Waterford, and I suppose now
> neither will anyone else... they deserve to have failed. Right after
> that conversation with Waterford's cutomer service (no service) I
> tossed the entire crystal frame in the trash... the photo is now in a
> simple inexpensive wood frame I think made in the Philippines, and I
> like it better than that bulky grotesque hunk of way over priced
> bottle glass
> I firmly believe this is the reason why so many companies are failing,
> they don't give a crap about their customers, and the greedy *******s
> have cheapened their products to the point that they are not fit for
> their intended use. I have no pity for the miserable creeps going
> kaput, good riddance to bad rubbish. Folks will never miss Waterford.
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