Thread: Iceberg Lettuce
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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default Iceberg Lettuce

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merryb > wrote:

> Altho we don't eat a lot of it, it has it's place. I was wondering how
> you prepare it for eating- I peel off the outside leaves, and then cut
> off a chunk (yeah, I know about the knife thing). Then I cut it up- I
> never realized that I never wash it..I tried, but the water doesn't
> shake off well- it needs to be spinned or drained a long time. What
> say you? Do I need a fire retardant apron for this post?
> Ready!

Put the iceberg lettuce in the middle of a teatowel. Pull the corners
together. Go outside and whirl the towel around (big arm circles).
Quickest and most efficient way to get the water out that I have ever


Electricians do it in three phases