Iceberg Lettuce
Miche wrote:
> Put the iceberg lettuce in the middle of a teatowel. Pull the corners
> together. Go outside and whirl the towel around (big arm circles).
> Quickest and most efficient way to get the water out that I have ever
> used.
About four years ago, I wrote this:
Once when I was on temporary assignment to Virginia I had to do without a
salad spinner, the corporate apartment *did* have lots of clean bed linens.
You can put wet salad greens into a pillowcase, take it outside, and swing
it around your head to dry the greens; I think it actually works BETTER than
a salad spinner. (Lots more centrifugal force.) Who cares what the
neighbors think when they see you whirling a greens-laden pillowcase around?
If you see them watching, you can act like you're doing some kind of martial
arts training: Stamp and kick your feet, swing the pillowcase in
figure-eights, and every now and then belt out a hearty "Hi-YAH!" You'll
soon see them treating you with new respect. :-)