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Howard Howard is offline
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Default But that's just me ;-)

On Jan 11, 2:49*am, PLucas > wrote:
> We can all hope like hell....... and it's not going to make a bloody
> ounce of difference:-(
> As long as there are ex-veterans, and there is a VA (or in my case a
> DVA),the *******s are going to try and screw us for every friggin
> little thing they can.
> The bloody organisations are all run by frikkin Public Servants,
> 99.999% of which have never served a frikken day in uniform!!
> You'd think that the money/care they have to authorise is coming out
> of their own frigin pockets!!
> Buncha friggin *******s.
> I've been arrested, incarcerated, humiliated, ostracized, degraded and
> basically treated like a piece of shit by the DVA for the past 15
> years because I had the audacity to survive an almost fatal accident
> (whilst training).
> My strategy? I'm going to live to be 105 and I'm going to fight those
> *******s every time I talk to them, and every step of the way. I'm
> going to make them pay thru' the friggin nose every time I get
> something authorised.
> I do win...... it just takes time....... it is draining, but by phuck,
> their body count is rising while I'm still here fighting away :-)
> (Most of my case 'officers' have taken stress leave or early
> retirement ;-)
> I hound the *******s every chance I get. Because in the long
> run....... it's not just about me.. it's about all the other poor
> *******s (here in Oz) that will just sit at home and do nothing while
> they get screwed by this bunch.
> The only adviice I can give all you people dealing with the VA over
> there........ treat it like another war, and they are the enemy.....
> because it is, and they are.
> [Jumping off the soap box..... but still fuming......]
> Anne......... have you ever tried to get off them? Maybe get a couple
> of friends and go to a cabin somewhere, get them to strap you down and
> wait while you go 'cold turkey'? Is it just the PTSD that you need to
> take meds for, or is it an actually
> chemical imbalace in your brain?
> I think you know my feelings on the meds thing.
> The assholes that are allowed to work for *any* VA/DVA must all be
> frikken related!!
> I should mention here that I am on 95%. (Maximum is 110%) 75% here
> means that you are entitled to what is called a TPI pension, which
> means you get a Gold Card, which comes with 5/8ths of **** all
> benefits, but is handy to have.
> Do you think I can get one??
> No.
> Maybe it's me....... maybe it's the fact that I keep ****ing them off.
> But sooner or later they are going to have to learn that if they at
> least make the effort to make me happy, then we'll all live a lot
> easier and happier.
> At the moment, they only bring out the mongrel in me!
> He's posting that shit to a newsgroup?? As an employee of the VA? I'd
> sue the
> phuckers arse off.
> Or hunt him down.................... Nahhhhhhh, I'd just hunt him
> down ;-)
> Just say to him.... "Bring it on, prick!"
> I had the same sort of shit with this bunch here.
> I made a claim to DVA, they rejected it...... I made a Review Claim,
> they rejected it. I took them to court (Administrative Appeals
> Tribunal).
> Next thing I know I've got the Attorney Generals (Government
> Solicitors) Office calling me telling me that I didn't have a chance
> in hell of winning because "What's the Net worth of your assets?" I
> answered, he laughed and said that they could eat that up in 2 years
> of sustained court delays and procedures. Because... "We are the AG's
> office, and we have unlimited funds.
> Do you really want to try and fight this thing?"
> My answer??
> "**** you, c***. If I see you in court, I'm going to kill you."
> He read my file, he didn't show, and I won.
> That was back in the early-mid 90's. The 'friendship' between myself
> and the various Govt departments I have to deal with has not got any
> better.
> I have written letters to the Military Ombudsman, and the Minister for
> Veterans Affairs/Minister for Defence asking for all DVA/MCRS
> personnel to be sacked and have to reapply for their jobs....... and
> the preference for those
> jobs should go to ex-military personnel. It hasn't happened yet.....
> but I'll keep chipping away :-)
> A bunch of scum sucking pig farmers...... the lot of them. I haven't
> met a DVA or MCRS employee that I haven't wanted to waste, yet!
> I give them *every* opportunity to prove me wrong in my opinion of
> them.....but I'm never wrong.
> Get aggresive with them next time you talk to them (just try not to
> get yourself arrested, unlike some ;-)
> Ask them are their kids going to starve because your asking for a bit
> of help. Ask them if it's going to be deducted out of their pay!!
> Bottom line........ all those civvie pricks that work in the VA/DVA
> are jealous of the fact that we can get (or are supposed to get) these
> benefits, and they can't. So they make life as hard as possible for us
> to get them.
> My greatest wish is for that movie "Brainstorm" to come true and there
> would be a device that you could put on someone elses head to show
> them a 'tape' of what goes on in your head.
> I'd love to send a whole shitload of those civvie DVA phuckwits around
> the twist!! :-)
> Take care...... and remember....... Live long, don't take any shit
> from them, and be a complete pain in the arse to those *******s!!
> Sometimes you'll win and they'll give you what you want to make you
> shut up and go
> away...... most of the time, you'll have to keep fighting.
> Which is what keeps me going........ otherwise I would have had
> someone 'top me' a long time ago.
> I feel like I have a job to do to change the current system, and I'll
> keep fighting to get it changed. Which should keep me going till I'm
> 105 :-)
> I know a woman who *has* to take some meds. She dosn't have PTSD,
> although her husband does (British Para: Falklands, Nth Ireland vet).
> She needs to take them because she has a chemical imbalance in her
> brain. She is lacking in a certain chemical and that causes her to get
> into deep depression and become suicidal. She takes her meds and she
> feels fine to the point of her
> saying, "I'm all better now, so I can stop taking them". She still
> doesn't realise that she will have to take then for the rest of her
> life because it's a physiological thing, not a psychological thing.
> I did take some meds early on in the peice when I didn't know I had
> They just treated it as depression and sent me to anger management
> classes (yeah right!! *They* were a great help...... NOT!!)
> I've been living with this now (apparently) since I was about 10yo.
> Over the years, it progressed. When I was diagnosed I told myself I
> was going to fight it and lead a 'normal' life with out being stoned
> to the gills every day on meds.... which is what the shrinks wanted me
> to do.
> I've found over the past 12 or so years that I *can* deal with it
> without meds. I still have all the symptoms, but I think I have the
> innate ability to be able to do something, or see something, or feel
> something...... and have
> the PTSD 'feelings' for a couple of minutes, but then my brain shuts
> it down, and shuts it out.
> But that's just me.
> I never thought I'd be like that, and I am totally against suicide
> unless it's euthenasia...... but it seems I was like that for quite
> some time. Except I wasn't classed as suicidal, I was just in the
> "he's got a death wish" or "he's freaking *crazy*..... watch this!!"
> Crunch time came one day at my Drop Zone. I was walking out to the
> plane and I said to my two boys and all my friends that were going to
> be on the ground watching, "Watch this one,it'll knock your socks
> off :-)"
> I got out at 14,000' with 3 other guys and we had a hoot till it came
> time for them to deploy. The deployed at 3,500'. I kept going. I
> usually dumped at about 2,300'.
> I very calmly picked a spot on the ground where I was heading, and
> said to myself, "If this doesn't work, that's the spot where I'm going
> to die". Then I just waited, and waited. I threw my pilot chute out as
> I passed thru 500'.(From 500', you have about 2&1/2 seconds before you
> die) It worked, I had time to unstow my brakes and set up for a
> landing, and that was it.
> I walked back to the clubhouse (about 100' away) to find both my boys
> sobbing their hearts out and quite a few of the females there crying
> as well. *Everyone* was very angry with me...... and I was to find out
> later it was 'relief' anger. They thought that I was going to
> 'bounce'.
> To see the reaction of my boys and my friends to what I thought was a
> good trick, made me sit and think, long and hard about what I was
> doing to myself and to them.
> It was shortly after, that I started to get help.
> So yes, I have had that same 'fight' that you are having at the
> moment.
> As I will too..... but my therapy is slurping on a glass of very nice
> red ;-)
> Hopefully, one day, we can all stop making these drug companies *very*
> rich, and get our shit sorted naturally. At the moment, I maintain
> that they are as bad as the cigarette companies. They get you on some
> of their meds, and there must be something in them that gets you
> addicted, at the same time as
> alleviating some of your symptoms and making you feel good.
> But that's just me ;-)
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
> "And where is the Prince who can afford to so cover his country with
> troops for its defense, as that ten thousand men descending from the
> clouds, might not in many places do an infinite deal of mischief,
> before
> a force could be brought together to repel them?"
> * Benjamin Franklin 1748

That is the most sorry account of someones cry for help that I have
heard for a long time-
Good Luck

Howard Ox