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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Just did it

sf wrote:

> On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 21:24:14 -0800, Blinky the Shark >
> wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>>> I can understand the peanut oil. I used it as my primary oil before I
>>> discovered Canola. You can cook at higher heat with peanut oil (brown
>>> your meat) without creating smoke.


> Interesting, but I don't believe it.

> I changed from vegetable oil to peanut oil "way back". Believe me as, a

There are a couple of things working, here.

First, I misread your earlier statement (still quoted, above) as saying
"you can cook at higher heat with Canola oil", since you preceded your
actual statement with "I used [peanut oil] as my primary oil before I
discovered Canola". The first claim (that you'd switched to Canola)
apparently set me up to mis-think you were claiming Canola had a higher
smoke point, because I didn't figure you would have moved from a better
oil to an inferior one.

Second, my link does not show Canola to be have a higher smoke point, so I
don't know what it is you're claiming not to believe.

> practitioner of cooking, peanut oil was better than vegetable oil.
> Vegetable oil made me nauseous just smelling it (it stinks!).

So you switched from peanut oil to Canola. Hmmmm.

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