Cheryl wrote:
> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> ...
>> I found that the hospital nutritionist was very helpful when I had
>> problems like this after radiation treatment. Looking through the
>> booklet I was given, and eliminating the items that have fat, the
>> recommendations are to cook foods with milk whenever possible and to
>> add eggs -- even suggesting beating eggs into mashed potatoes. You
>> really need to talk to a nutriionist and get whatever materials they
>> have. The booklet I'm looking at is "Eating Hints for Cancer
>> Patients" by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Some
>> other suggestions from the booklet. . . Banana Milksake (1 whole
>> ripe banana sliced, a few drops of vanilla extract and 1 cup milk.
>> Also, try a small glass of beer or wine with meals. Fortify the
>> milk you give (1 quart whole milk and 1 cup nonfat instant dry milk.
>> High-protein milkshake -- 1 cup fortified milk, 2 tablespoons
>> butterscotch, chocolate or favorite fruit syrup or sauce, 1/2 cup
>> ice cream, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Fruit and Cream --1 cup
>> whole milk, 1 cup vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, 1 cup cannet
>> fruit in heavy syrup, almond or vanilla extract, blend and chill. Looking
>> through this booklet, there is really too much to relate to
>> you. See if you can get a copy online or at your library or most
>> probably from the hospital. The hospital is generally helpful and
>> free. The recipe hints I gave you above generally run between 350
>> and 450 calories per cup. Good Luck.
> Thank you!! I found the pubication online:
That's the one! I'm so glad you were able to get it immediately. Again,
good luck to both of you. And, don't worry about how long it takes to go
down. I'd sip refrigerated chicken broth all day, nibble on a couple of
crackers and maybe a smidge of cheese. As long as it goes in. Oh, the
Jello chocolate pudding cups aren't real high calorie, but they feel good in
the mouth and are a taste treat for a deprived palette.