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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Just did it

In article >,
Michelle Steiner > wrote:

> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
> > I changed from vegetable oil to peanut oil "way back". Believe me
> > as, a practitioner of cooking, peanut oil was better than vegetable
> > oil. Vegetable oil made me nauseous just smelling it (it stinks!).

> I use olive oil for most of my cooking, but use peanut oil for Asian
> recipes, and safflower oil when I want a lighter taste than what olive
> oil gives. However, I use Canola for deep frying because it's the least
> expensive of the bunch and my deep fryer requires a lot of it.

Around here, peanut oil is FAR cheaper than Canola.

For general cooking, I still use olive oil the most followed by grape
seed oil when I have it on had as it's good, has a higher smoke point
and is about $2.00 per liter cheaper than EVOO when I get it at Phonecia
in Austin. Next is coconut oil.

I use peanut oil mainly for deep frying, but sometimes for other frying
as the mood strikes. I like it's flavor.

I don't use Canola at all as I do NOT like the way it tastes or smells.
To me, it smells/tastes rancid.
Peace! Om

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