Need REC ideas
Michelle Steiner wrote:
> In article >,
> "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> I have a blender, I have a food processor ... and I'll never use
>> those for pureeing batches of soup again. Even if I enjoyed that
>> activity and the mess involved, it couldn't be easier to clean the
>> stick blender, and no other containers are messed up, either.
> How much soup can a stick blender puree at one time? It might be
> worth getting one for my cream of asparagus soup.
You move it around, lifting it slightly (not breaking the surface!)
so unless you're making a restaurant size pot, you won't have
to worry about that. Of course they make restaurant sized
stick blenders aka immersion blenders aka kitchen vibrrators.
Heh. Miss those Two Fat Ladies.
> And what brands and models of stick blenders do you recommend?
Mine's a Braun and comes with a cup that is perfect for making
stick blender mayonnaise. I have no idea if it's better or worse
than any other brand.