In article >,
"Cheryl" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> >
> > Cheryl,
> >
> > Look up "Calves foot Jelly" on the 'net. I use it a lot for dad.
> > He loves it and I can pack it with just about any veggie I want him to
> > have that week in the bottom layer. :-)
> >
> > Lately I've been using pork hocks to make it instead of calves feet.
> > They are easier to deal with and jell nicely...
> >
> > I also have been fortifying it lately with Vionate. It's a powdered
> > vitamin and mineral supplement that is not flavored.
> Will do, thanks.
Good luck! I feel for you... :-(
Peace! Om
"Any ship can be a minesweepter. Once." -- Anonymous